M24 Chaffee - G200 Series of Vehicles
Earliest Reference
1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950
1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950
Date 04-15-1945
09-05-1947 06-??-1950 06-06-1952 06-19-1945 11-10-1950 03-04-1948 12-23-1952 09-09-1955 03-08-1951 01-31-1950 09-06-1955 06-19-1950 01-02-1948 07-13-1948 06-23-1952 02-11-1949 08-22-1950 04-14-1948 11-20-1952 11-07-1949 08-06-1951
11-01-1944 11-14-1945 09-15-1947 07-01-1948 09-29-1950 05-11-1954 07-29-1954 03-02-1951 03-21-1951 07-05-1951 07-13-1951 07-10-1951 01-24-1944 07-19-1944 09-05-1944 04-24-1945 03-29-1945 02-19-1945 08-22-1950
06-27-1944 05-28-1951 09-17-1947 02-19-1945 11-28-1944 02-10-1945 09-09-1947
Description Service of The Piece 105mm Howitzer Motor Carriage, M37
Service of The Piece 105mm Howitzer Motor Carriage, M37
Service of The Piece 105mm Howitzer Motor Carriage, M37
Twin 40mm Gun Motor Carriage M19 - Service of The Piece Tank, Light, M24 - Organizational Mait. Allowances Tank, Light, M24 - Organizational Mait. Allowances
Tank, Light, M24 - Organizational Mait. Allowances
Carriage, Motor, 155mm Howitzer, M41 - Organizational Mait. Allowances
Carriage, Motor, 155mm Howitzer, M41 - Organizational Mait. Allowances
Carriage, Motor, 155mm Howitzer, M41 - Organizational Mait. Allowances
Carriage, Motor, 105mm Howitzer, M37 - Organizational Mait. Allowances Carriage, Motor, 105mm Howitzer, M37 - Organizational Mait. Allowances Carriage, Motor, 105mm Howitzer, M37 - Organizational Mait. Allowances
Carriage, Motor, 105mm Howitzer, M37 - Organizational Mait. Allowances Carriage, Motor, Twin 40mm Gun, M19A1 - Organizational Mait. Allowances
Carriage, Motor, Twin 40mm Gun, M19A1 - Organizational Mait. Allowances
Tank, Light, M24 - Field and Depot Maint. Allowances Tank, Light, M24 - Field and Depot Maint. Allowances Tank, Light, M24 - Field and Depot Maint. Allowances Carriage, Motor, 155mm Howitzer, M41 - Field & Depot Mait. Allowances Carriage, Motor, 155mm Howitzer, M41 - Field & Depot Mait. Allowances Carriage, Motor, 155mm Howitzer, M41 - Field & Depot Mait. Allowances Carriage, Motor, 105mm Howitzer, M37 - Field & Depot Mait. Allowances Carriage, Motor, 105mm Howitzer, M37 - Field & Depot Mait. Allowances Carriage, Motor, Twin 40mm Gun, M19A1 - Organizational Mait. Allowances Tank, Light, M24 (T24) - List of all Service Parts Tank, Light, M24 (T24) Carriage, Motor, Twin 40mm Gun M19 - List of all Service Parts Tank, Light, M24 - List of all Service Parts Carriage, Motor, 155mm How., M41 & 105mm How. M37 - List of all Service Parts Carriage, Motor, 155mm How., M41 & 105mm How. M37 - List of all Service Parts Carriage, Motor, Twin 40mm Gun M19A1 Winterization Equipment - Winterization Kit for Tank, Light, M24 Bulldozer, Tank Mounting, M4 - List of All Service Parts - Mounted on M24 Guide for Daily Preventative Maintenance Services on Light Tank, M24 Guide for Weekly Preventative Maintenance Services on Light Tank, M24 Guide for Removal and Replacement of Engine in the Light Tank M24 Guide for Monthly Preventative Maintenance Services on Light Tank, M24 Guide for Quarterly Preventative Maintenance Services on Light Tank, M24 Gun, Machine, cal. .50, Browning, M2, HB Flexable Mount, Machine Gun, AA cal. .50 (6580030) Mount, Machine Gun, Cal. .30 (D76459) Gun, Machine, cal. .30, Browning, M1919A4 Flexible Mount, Tripod, Machine Gun, cal. .30 M2 Stabilizer (D-76467)
Gun, 75mm, M6 Mount, Combination gun, M64 Setter, Fuze, M27 Telescope, M38F Setter, Fuze, M14 Quadrant, Gunners, M1 Periscope, M4A1, W/Telescope, M77G, or Telescope, M38A2 Telescope, M71K Periscope , M6 Periscope, M10P Periscope, M13
Periscope M13B1 Periscope, M15 Periscope, M15A1 Quadrant, Elevation, M9 Mount, Telescope, M65 Mount, Periscope, M66
Ord Main - M41 155mm HMC Ord Main - M41 155mm HMC Ord Main - M41 155mm HMC Ord Main - M41 155mm HMC Ord Main - Light Tank M24 Tracks, Suspension, Hull & Turret Installation of Radio & Interphone Equipment in Tank, Light, M24 105mm Howitzer M4 (Mounted in Combat Vehicles (M37))
Light Tank M24 Light Tank M24
155mm HMC M41 Ord Main - 75mm Gun M6 & Combination Gun Mount M64 (Tank)
Ord Main - Light Tanks M5 & M24 Series - Engines, Cooling Systems & Fuel Systems Ord Main - Light Tanks M5 & M24 Series - Trans., Transfer, Differetial, Final Drive Ord Main - Light Tank M24 & 155mm HMC M41 - Tracks, Suspension, Hull & Turret
Ord Main - Med. Tank M26 & M45 Auxiliary Eng. - Waukesha Model G-TGU (for M19A1) Ordnance Maintenance - Electrical Equipment (Delco-Remy) Ordnance Maintenance - Carburetors (Carter) Ordnance Maintenance - Fuel Pumps Ordnance Maintenance - Speedometer, Tachometers & Recorders Light Tank T24 (M24) Possible Bulldozer on M24 Manual Twin 40mm Gun Motor Carriage M19
TM Number or Related FM 6-76
FM 6-76 Change 1
FM 6-76
FM 44-62 ORD 7 SNL G-200 ORD 7 SNL G-200 C1 ORD 7 SNL G-200 C2 ORD 7 SNL G-236 ORD 7 SNL G-236 ORD 7 SNL G-236 C1 ORD 7 SNL G-238 ORD 7 SNL G-238 ORD 7 SNL G-238 C1 ORD 7 SNL G-238 C2 ORD 7 SNL G-248 ORD 7 SNL G-248 C2 ORD 8 SNL G-200 ORD 8 SNL G-200 ORD 8 SNL G-200 C1 ORD 8 SNL G-236 ORD 8 SNL G-236 ORD 8 SNL G-236 C1 ORD 8 SNL G-238 ORD 8 SNL G-238 ORD 8 SNL G-248 ORD 9 SNL G-200
ORD 9 SNL G-200 ORD 9 SNL G-200 C1 ORD 9 SNL G-200 ORD 9 SNL G-236 & G-238 ORD 9 SNL G-236 & G-238 C1 ORD 9 SNL G-248 ORD 9 SNL G-249 Vol 33 ORD 9 SNL G-265 Service Guide Nr 24 D (rev 1) Service Guide Nr 24 D (rev 1) Service Guide Nr 24 E Service Guide Nr 24 M Service Guide Nr 24 Q SNL A-39 SNL A-55, Sec 38 SNL A-55, Sec 46 SNL A-6 SNL A-6 SNL C-56 SNL C-66 SNL C-66 SNL F-1 SNL F-1 SNL F-1 SNL F-140 SNL F-235, Vol 1 SNL F-235, Vol 10 SNL F-235, Vol 2 SNL F-235, Vol 4 SNL F-235, Vol 5 SNL F-235, Vol 5 SNL F-235, Vol 6 SNL F-235, Vol 6 SNL F-281 SNL F-296 SNL F-312 TB ORD 20 TB ORD 126 TB 9-729-1 TB 9-729-5 TB ORD 271 TM 11-2754 TM 9-324
TM 9-729 TM 9-729 TM 9-744 TM 9-1313 TM 9-1727K TM 9-1729A TM 9-1729B TM 9-1729C TM 9-1731D TM 9-1735C TM 9-1825A TM 9-1826A TM 9-1828A TM 9-1829A TM 9-729 TM 9-7408 TM 9-757